Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Valentine's Day Quiet Book

It's been a year since I started this blog to share my crafts, and I'm so happy to look back and see how my style has changed (and hopefully improved) in a year! One of the first projects I shared on this blog was a Valentine's Day Quiet Mat.  I hand sewed all of the activities on that mat, and I loved how everything turned out!

Now, a year later, I have a lot more experience with my sewing machine AND a new embroidery machine!  I was able to make two of these books in the time it took me to sew that one quiet mat from last year.  Two of these books are listed for sale in my Etsy shop and they would make great gifts for little ones on Valentine's Day!  Take a look below for more pictures!

There are three pages with different activities.  The first page has three flowers that button on and off of the stems.  The second page has four chocolate shapes that velcro on with their matching shape names.  The last page has a mail box that holds two felt envelopes, plus a sweet Valentine's Day message in each envelope!

Here are some close up pictures of the activities:

And because I love this fabric so much, here are some pictures of the backs of the pages!